Friday, August 8, 2008

Au Revoir, Israel

I leave Israel in 2 days!! OMG!! I can't believe this summer went by so fast. It was without a doubt the best summer of my entire life. Not only did I get to spend every single day with my BFF, Kati, but I got to experience a totally new way of life. I got to meet people I would never meet in NY and live a way that's totally unlike everything UES. It was amazing. I think I've changed a lot and matured this summer. I sound so fricking sappy! But it's all so true.

David and I are going to keep in touch. He has Skype so that'll make things easier. He even joked about coming to NY for prom, but that's like 8 months from now so who even knows. Maybe it can be an early Bday present for me or something. He would look sooooo good in a tux. The Constance girls would be real jealous lol.

I can't believe Kati and I are going to be separated again for such a long time. It truly sucks. I miss her so much when I'm in NY. Why can't Israel be closer?? Thankfully there's Skype and Blackberry Messenger and iChat. I don't know what I'd do without it.

Okay, I'm going to start crying just thinking about leaving. Sob. Will write when I get back to NY!

xx, Is